Monday 13 April 2009

End of the Rainbow

Climbing this Rainbow is sometimes slippery, sometimes scary but sometimes it feels really good! I'm finally getting some feedback as people have now read the book. I was out last night and sold another 20 books... People are super keen. Women LOVE the concept! Multicultural chick-lit is long overdue!

Various women last night (who don't know each other - or me!) told me how much they are loving the book. One woman said she 'could not put it down'! The ladies are excited and people (including the guys) are buying the books like hotcakes. It's the 'packet' discussion that makes the guys pause and raise an eyebrow...

I went to Clapham Books the other day and told them that I had sold over 200 books in the last few weeks, all by myself, just at various events. They couldn't believe it! They said they had never heard of a first-time author having such success!


So as I am marching to Brick Lane today to see what interest I can drum up, I will keep Will Smith / Chris Gardner in my mind from Pursuit of Happyness. I will remember that people love my book, that success only comes with hard work, and happiness lies at the end of the rainbow.

1 comment:

  1. Having followed you on Twitter for some time, and having just read all about your different personas, I think that you are quite possibly the female version of me. I have been writing a blog (semi) anonymously about Morrissey since 2011, and yet by day I am a normal, successful businessman. Do you know of Pessoa?
